AEGON Netherlands (Leeuwarden, Mortgages) was my first client as a freelance lead developer and technical architect. It was an unusual client in that the outsourced technical Java development teams had gotten stuck in time and was in dire need of modernization.

On the whole I accomplished many things, such as modernizing microservices (Spring Boot), the documentation server (Confluence), standardizing build plans and deploys (Bamboo, Tomcat), Sonar integration, proper branch and release management and migrating from Subversion to Git (Bitbucket).

One technically effective accomplishment was the move to standardized microservices and how to develop them. This included the technical stack as well as security concerns, configuration management and the various layers to keep concerns separated.

At a higher level, I also helped streamline the application landscape, by identifying key functional and business requirements and assigning microservices to realize those needs.

At a lower level I thoroughly reviewed all the software and suggested improvement or migration plans.


resume details for my position with AEGON Leeuwarden